this is the header

Revista Espanola de Documentacion Cientifica

Source type: Journal Print ISSN: 0210-0614
Publisher: CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Electronic ISSN: 1988-4621
  • Library and Information Sciences




Year P IPP SNIP % self cit
2009 23 0.26 0.81 0.0%
2010 50 0.20 0.32 0.0%
2011 76 0.51 0.98 17.9%
2012 81 0.48 0.81 30.8%
2013 87 0.84 1.14 39.7%
2014 101 0.90 1.08 37.4%
2015 111 0.81 1.35 22.2%
2016 111 0.95 1.32 31.4%
2017 106 0.84 1.22 21.3%
2018 101 0.87 1.17 15.9%
2019 98 1.16 1.41 22.8%
2020 92 1.11 0.80 22.5%
2021 89 1.36 0.86 13.2%
2022 89 1.27 0.91 8.8%
2023 90 1.20 0.78 13.0%