this is the header

Revista de Metalurgia

Source type: Journal Print ISSN: 0034-8570
Publisher: CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Electronic ISSN: 1988-4222
  • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry ,
  • Materials Chemistry ,
  • Metals and Alloys ,
  • Condensed Matter Physics




Year P IPP SNIP % self cit
1999 228 0.11 0.23 24.0%
2000 232 0.13 0.34 46.7%
2001 227 0.11 0.26 20.8%
2002 162 0.14 0.26 26.1%
2003 168 0.29 0.77 47.9%
2004 217 0.59 0.71 78.1%
2005 190 0.79 1.33 78.8%
2006 290 0.28 0.31 73.8%
2007 250 0.42 0.38 64.4%
2008 229 0.33 0.32 69.7%
2009 134 0.23 0.31 35.5%
2010 131 0.36 0.75 42.6%
2011 158 0.19 0.30 36.7%
2012 146 0.29 0.34 14.3%
2013 144 0.41 0.34 20.3%
2014 111 0.53 0.74 32.2%
2015 105 0.35 0.33 35.1%
2016 94 0.35 0.32 15.2%
2017 85 0.40 0.20 8.8%
2018 76 0.64 0.43 40.8%
2019 75 0.64 0.32 41.7%
2020 73 0.73 0.37 50.9%
2021 74 0.73 0.45 35.2%
2022 75 0.77 0.24 25.9%
2023 72 0.78 0.33 10.7%